
Azure Services




Azure CosmosDB, Log Analytics, Azure Data Lake, Visual Studio, .NET


The customer is a leading integrated shipping solution provider. They provide a cloud-based solution with state-of-the-art business intelligence and a carrier library for more than 550 carriers, empowering organizations to achieve on-time delivery while improving profits per shipment

Business Challenge

The shipping solution provider system has a SOLAR (Scalable Online Logging and Reporting) system to log messages from various Transportation Management Execution (TME) client components. It provides a web frontend interface to display log messages and exposes API(s) to store or deliver log messages from client systems.

The existing SOLAR system has the following problem areas, which they wanted to address to elevate user experience.

Key challenges

  • The UI design wasn’t optimal and had performance issues leading to a dissatisfied customer experience.
  • The current system is based on a single-tenant model.
  • 20% of the total monthly cost is being spent on the system, although this is just leveraged to access data and doesn’t have critical business implications.
  • Data purge is not enforced, the system data store is growing to considerable size due to unused data
  • Transaction Identifier is not stored in the current system, and it is driving factor to narrow down the search

The customer aims to enhance the system’s overall usability by improving the interface design and the existing features related to design problems.

WinWire Solution

Bringing together the fast-paced advances in Design Thinking. WinWire proposed a cloud-based solution to determine the design problem, ideate, prototype, and test the application.

We combined business, data, and design perspectives to drive holistic design thinking with WinWire’s design and engineering expertise to build customer’s SOLAR API that enabled them to:

  • Optimize performance
  • Save on cost
  • Support multi-tenancy
  • Reduced time to onboard new customers

Delivered engaging experiences to build a modern UI interface for the SOLAR web frontend.

  • UI interface is optimized to view volumes of log data
  • Embedded a comprehensive filtering capability to analyze log data seamlessly
  • Improved performance for better viewing and data analysis
  • Store data leveraging Azure CosmosDB

Business Value

  • Transformed the user experience by combining business, design, and data
  • Optimized cost
  • Comprehensive view for customer data and insights
  • Achieved operation efficiencies
  • Drive changes in user experience and productivity

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