
Google maps integration allows embedding interactive maps into a web application. Interactive maps in web application enhances user experience, allowing users to visualize locations, with accurate address selection.

Key Features:

  • Accurate Location Pinpointing
  • Smart Place Autocomplete

Accurate Location Pinpointing: Users can precisely identify their locations and nearby points of interest.

Smart Place Autocomplete: Simplifies address selection by predicting and providing location suggestions in a dropdown list based on what user has entered so far.

While there are many possibilities, this article is primarily focused on two key features:

  • Adding markers for location pointing
  • Places autocomplete for search suggestions.

Here are the learnings in this article:

  • Add place autocomplete from google for a search box.
  • Integrate google maps in the application.
  • Using marker for location pointing


  • Google Cloud Platform Account: A Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account is required to create a project and obtain an API key.
  • API key: An API key is required to authenticate user’s application requests to Google Maps Services.

How to generate API key?

  • Create a Google Cloud Platform Project and Enable the Maps JavaScript API
    • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
    • Create a new project or select an existing one.
    • In the project dashboard, navigate to “APIs & Services”> “Library”.
    • Search for “Maps JavaScript API” and enable it for your project.
  • Obtain an API key
    • In the Google Cloud Console, go to “APIs & Services”> “Credentials”.
    • Click “Create Credentials” and select “API key”.
    • Copy the generated API key. Remember to restrict your API key for security reasons to prevent unauthorized use.
    • The API key starts working only after entering the required credentials in the billing section in the Google Cloud Platform.

How to integrate Google Maps?

  • Add the Generated API key to the web application
    • In the index.html file, add <script> element to include the generated API key in the Angular application as follows: (Replace *** with API key generated)
How to generate API key for google maps
  • In the TS file, the code to display and use the map should be below.
How to generate API key for google maps
  • Declare a variable named marker, to manage the marker that appears on the map
  • Set initial Coordinates anything to set the initial geographical coordinates for the map’s center.
  • Can set any longitude and longitude values.
  • The location will be default set to the current location’s latitude and longitude; in the else case, the values of the initial geographical coordinates will be pointed.
  • mapConfigurations defines various configurations for a map’s appearance and behavior. It can be customized based on the requirement.
  • searchBox is an input field, where users can enter search queries.
  • map.controls add the search input directly into the map’s user interface and is placed in the TOP_CENTER position in the map.


google maps integration

For Places Autocomplete: 

google maps integration
  • searchBox.addListener(‘places_changed’, () => {: This code sets up an event listener on a searchBox object.
  • The listener is configured to respond to the ‘places_changed’ event.
  • This event is likely triggered when the user interacts with the search box and selects a location from the suggestions provided by the Google Places API.


google maps integration

For initializing the marker and location change on marker drag:

Google Maps APIs


Google Maps APIs

For marking current location by default:

Google Maps in Web Applications


Google Maps in Web Applications

For share location and generating links based on the marker’s position:

Google Maps in Web Applications
  • The shareLocation() function handles the process of sharing a location. It verifies if the map is initialized and has a center.
  • It checks if the search input field has a value.
  • If the conditions are met, the code attempts to retrieve the position of a marker (if it exists) on the map.
  • The function then gets the center of the map and attempts to generate a shareable URL using the generateShareLink() function.
  • The generateShareLink() function takes a location  and creates a Google Maps URL with the provided location coordinates.


Once the location is selected and the share button is clicked, the URL is generated and can be shared.