
SQL Server to Azure Migration




Azure Databases, SQL Server


A construction industry specialized ERP software provider, supporting functions like accounting, project management, and extended field teams for nearly 8000+ global customers in the construction industry.

Business Challenge

The construction software provider was looking to optimize its IT workloads in the cloud. They were looking to boost performance and efficiency by leveraging the benefits of the cloud by actively pursuing time and cost optimization.

  • The customer was looking to modernize their SQL Server-based ERP suite through the lift-and-shift of their current hosted product instances to a more reliable Azure cloud platform.
  • Lack of technical support from a third-party colocation data center hosting instances of its ERP suite was impacting and disrupting end-consumers business.
  • When consumers needed more computing or storage, new physical hardware got added, and the cost was passed to the consumers.
  • How to migrate without impacting end – consumers’ business was the biggest challenge which included:
    • 900 ~ SaaS consumers
    • 650 ~Tbs of data volume
    • 1800 ~ virtual machines
    • 900 ~ SQL Server databases
    • 5 data centers

WinWire Solution

WinWire team worked with customer team to build a future-ready and highly scalable infrastructure on Azure. We leveraged our Migration-as-a-Service methodology to ensure seamless and zero-downtime transition.

WinWire supported the customer to:

  • Migrate 900+ SQL Server databases to the VM machines on Azure
  • Analyze source hosting platform to understand interdependencies using WinCAM – Cloud Assessment Methodology
  • Created the overall roadmap and approach for the migration. The intent is to achieve near-zero impact/disruption to the end consumers.
  • Implemented the landing zone in Azure, architected the destination (Azure) using WinCFS – Cloud Foundation Setup
  • Used factory-model migration to Azure with minimal business impact to the end-consumer
  • Analyzed the usage pattern of migrated workload on Azure and optimized the resources and cost, using WinCCO – Cloud Cost Optimization
SQL Server to Azure Migration

Business Value

  • Elevated business efficiency and performance, 30% reduction in hosting costs by migrating to Azure
  • Improved customer satisfaction, hosts more than 21,000 users and increased the uptime to 99.99%
  • Readiness to acquire new customers without dependency on the infrastructure limitation 

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