Angular 8 – Introduction of Ivy Renderer

Angular is one of the most popular open-source web app frameworks used by developers globally. When Google released Angular in 2016, developers immediately started to migrate the framework. Today, there is a large community that leverages Angular. The rapidly growing community looks forward to the Angular team for regular updates, and Angular 8.0 is the… Continue reading Angular 8 – Introduction of Ivy Renderer

Six Reasons why should you upgrade from Angular 2 to Angular 4

Change is inevitable and things are constantly changing with the programming too. Angular 4 has been released in March 2017. Many of you may be getting swarmed with rapidly flowing thoughts, like: What about version 3”? Well, unfortunately, there’s no Angular 3. We have Angular 4. But I have started to learn Angular 2 and… Continue reading Six Reasons why should you upgrade from Angular 2 to Angular 4

The birth of Karma- A Spectacular JavaScript Test Runner

When picking up a new tool, it is important to understand where it comes from and why it is built. This section will give us a background of the origin of Karma. The Karma difference Karma was created by Vojta Jína. The project was originally called Testacular. In Vojtech Jína’s thesis, he discusses the design,… Continue reading The birth of Karma- A Spectacular JavaScript Test Runner

Overview- Entity Framework 7 Features

Entity framework, as discussed in our last blog, is one of the most powerful ORM (Object Relation Mapper) frameworks. It is generally used as a Data Access layer in the application. Initially, Entity framework came with fewer features and limited functionality. There were continuous changes made in the Entity framework as a result, entity framework has… Continue reading Overview- Entity Framework 7 Features