
Application Development and Modernization




.NET, Azure Cloud, SharePoint


The customer is a large electric car company that designs, manufactures, and sells electric vehicles, electric vehicle powertrain components, and stationary energy storage systems in the US, China, Norway, and internationally.

Business Challenge

A leading electric car company was redefining its business strategies and was aiming to turn from a niche manufacturer of high-end electric vehicles to be more volume-centric.

The company had multiple touch points and interactions with customers before, during, and after their purchases, but it lacked a unified way to tap into that data to glean useful marketing insights for each customer, regardless of channel.

There was no single point of customer information, which was leading to inconsistencies in data because it was scattered across the various systems including CRM, Manufacturing Execution System (MES), ERP, Service delivery system and a host of other legacy systems.

Apart from lacking to deliver a 360-degree view of the customer on a single interface, the current scheduling system was neither mobile-enabled nor design-centric. This drastically was slowing down the employees’ performance and was also significantly impacting the customer experience.

The major challenges included

  • No single point of customer information
  • Inability to target customers effectively
  • No control over forecasting and sales reporting

WinWire Solution

WinWire removed the data silos and Stitched the Digital Fabric by consoli – dating information from various systems into a single ‘System of Intelligence’ (Global Scheduling System) that was built utilizing a design-thinking approach to improve mobile user experience. This has helped their customers to schedule an appointment for themselves from online or using the mobile app.

The solution provided deep insights into customers’ usage patterns, service experience, and expectations that the business was hoping for, helped them to capture and store millions of customer interactions across multiple brands and channels in a single data repository. This subsequently helped them in obtaining a single unified customer view.

This also enabled them in bridging the gap between the current and the future state, empowering employees with the right information at the right time and helping business to streamline operations, uncover opportunities, and engage with customers in meaningful ways.

Business Value

  • Currently, this system is used globally in many languages and by thousands of employees. The system is astonishingly agile (users can book an appointment in just 2 min, the number of pages is close to 5, and the number of clicks required between 10 and 15).
  • Also, it is extremely extensible and has the ability for external events to trigger the appointment scheduling feature, subsequently, the appointment scheduling menu launches either manually or based on events like an alert from the car.
  • The system invariably allows the user to make a change if any new business process impacts the customer engagement. Furthermore, this ‘System of Intelligence’ can be easily extended to adapt to the latest technologies including Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, thus the company can seamlessly harness the power of advanced digital capabilities to gain competitive advantage and stay relevant in a dynamic marketplace.
  • The solution is driving high productivity and is creating unprecedented levels of new business value and significantly elevating the customer experience.

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